Origins of IPAO
It all begins with an idea. Throughout the years, several International Meetings among Physician Assistants Associations and Physician Associates organisations (PA-organisations) have taken place. In order to ensure continued representation at this group and to give purpose and direction it was felt at the last meeting in Las Vegas that the group required a slightly more formal structure. The aim is not to make it too ridged but to focus the group to enable it to be productive rather than just a forum to share information (which was agreed could be done via other mediums which were less costly in terms of time and money). It was also highlighted that this group had a greater capacity to do more on the global stage for the PA profession. Please find below our ideas and thoughts around the way forward for this group.
Purpose International PA Collaboration: To create an international platform and network on which to share information and developments globally
To work together to support PAs practising around the globe with specific information on each country relating to but not limited to:
National organisations/bodies in each country and their contacts
Working as a PA in each country
General information on the healthcare system in each country
Links to Universities providing PA programmes
Campaign internationally for the recognition of the PA as a global healthcare professional and explore potential reciprocity in each country.